onsdag den 4. maj 2011

Easy lunch

One of the ways I make sure to keep on track with my healthy lifestyle is by not making things too complicated. You can easily eat delicious, healthy and easy. For lunch I made a little plate I could bring to the couch while doing homework.

It consisted of melon, blueberries and dates.
Tasted delicious and kept me full for surprisingly long.
And there is only 115 calories on that whole plate.

I'm in the process of trying to eat more "black" things. Since they should contain more antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and polyphenols that reduces the odds of cancer - like blueberries, blackberries, black beans, black tea and so forth.

Normally I don't care to much about stuff like that, and try to eat what I want without restricting anything. But I really like berries and beans - so why not give it a shot, and see if my body feels different.

(Now lost 13 kg :) )

1 kommentar:

  1. Mmm, det ser lækkert ud.
    Jeg har overvejet at købe en melon de sidste mange gang jeg har handlet ind. Dog var jeg i tvivl om de har nået årstiden hvor de er gode og saftige.
    På billedet ser den i hvert fald perfekt ud, så mon ikke melon skal på min indkøbsliste næste uge :)
    Tillykke med de 13 kg's vægttab. Hvor er det bare flot!! Skal du tabe dig mere eller er du ved at være i mål? :)
